Operational layer


All processes in the operational layer are implemented in Cplusplus (C++). You can find the source code of the operational layer in the artof-core project.


  1. RTK GNSS localisation (with heading) : The framework includes a driver for the Septentrio Mosaic-H module.

  2. Computer: The computer runs the operational layer and the add-ons.

    • Tested on:







Intel® Core™ i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz

8 GB



Intel® Core™ i5-7260U CPU @ 2,20GHz

16 GB



Intel® Core™ i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz

8 GB



Intel® Core™ i7-10710U CPU @ 1.10GHz

32 GB

  1. Operating system:

    • The operational layer is currently only compiled for Ubuntu 22.04.

    • The operational layer can run in a Docker® container, which is useful for testing and development. However, this is not recommended for operation as it has not yet been validated on inference.



All processes in the operational layer inherit the VariableManager class.

During initialization, it loads a VariableMap::variableMap of type std::map<std::string, VariablePtr> VariableMap

The pseudocode below illustrates its program cycle.

Pseudocode VariableManager program cycle
   while (true) {
      // start a clk cycle (f = 20 Hz => T = 50 ms)
      // Read all Redis variables
      // Execute process specific code
      // Write Redis variables (only those who were altered during the cycle)
      // Communicate process health
      // Stop the clk cycle (sleep for the remaining time)
  1. The Clk::clk member of the VariableManager class supports process execution at a fixed frequency, which is by default configured to 20 Hz. When the program cycle executes more quickly, there is waited the additional time at the void Clk::stop() statement; otherwise, the process is immediately continued.

  2. The void readRedisVariables() and void writeRedisVariables() methods perform a block read and block write of the Redis variables described in the redis configuration file. For the void writeRedisVariables() method only the variables that are changed during the program cycle are written. Whether these variables are changed or not is maintained in the VariableMap::variableMap.

  3. The void serverTick() is a pure abstract function implemented in the child classes.

  4. The void toggleHeartBeatPulse() toggles a heartbeat boolean at a period 500ms. The SystemManager uses the heartbeat to monitor the health of the different real-time processes. The SystemManager recovers the process when it detects no heartbeat for 5s. The PLC in the mechatronic layer also monitors the heartbeat of the Navigation process. The robot goes to error mode if it detects no heartbeat within 2s.

  5. The void publishProcessingTime() publishes the processing time to monitor if the process maintains its target frequency.


The SystemManager process manages the other Jobs, which are the processes in the operational layer and add-ons. The Jobs can be started, interrupted, reconfigured, and updated. The system manager monitors the health of the operational layer processes by their heartbeats.


The Operation process operates the implement, hitch, and sections during autonomous field operation using information from the implement configuration and current robot platform state. The implement configuration files describe the dimensions and transformation of the different sections relative to hitch pens and their allowed task types, enabling the continuous position and geometry calculation of the implement sections in GNSS coordinates.


The Gps process is the device driver for the GNSS Septentrio Mosaic-H module. It continuously updates the robot state and the other GNSS-dependent variables and maintains the connection to the NTRIP server to receive the RTK connections. Also drivers for other GNSS devices can be implemented in the Gps class.


The RobotPlc process is the interface between the Redis variables in the operational layer and the robot PLC in the mechatronic layer. The redis.json configuration file describes the interface, also listing the Redis variables that must be read and written to the PLC. Communication was performed every process cycle by a read and write snap7 operation (Siemens S7-communication protocol). For more information on the configuration, we refer to Basic concepts.


The Simulation process enables software integration- and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing. By setting the robot in simulation mode, the robot’s navigation and implement operations are performed in a virtual environment by simulating the Gps process from the operational layer and the kinematic models from the mechatronic layer. HIL testing performs static implement operation and steering while the traction drives remain inhibited.